Fizzy Float Factory
Welcome to the Fizzy Float Factory, Tingle Street, Celeste. We are the City's premier Soda, Seltzer and Candy supplier.
We tick all the boxes, great tasting beverages and candies, low calorific values along with the unforgettable fizz that literally gives you a lift.
"Drink up, Burp Down"
Nestled in among the rolling green hills of Tingle Street, our motto is "No Troubles, Just Bubbles'. Our production team at the factory love their work, a key ethos here is to sing and dance during your shift. From the taste testing team to the drone delivery crew, our fizzy family all work hard to ensure the Citizens of Celeste get to enjoy their drinks and candies, getting their short term literal and natural 'highs' through the lifting formula we include in all of our products. FFF are the headline sponsors at the Annual Dessert Street Parade, the Funky Food Spectacular that has fast become a Celeste Favourite event over the years.