Chronos Egg

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Most famously known for the disappearance of celebrity Quester, Charles Taylor, the Taylor Temporal Field is a naturally occurring time distortion portal. Impossible to see with the naked eye, objects and individuals who enter the field are unknowingly transported to a random point in the distant past or the far future, never to be seen again...usually. The only traveler to ever return was Charles Taylor himself who credited his return to the Chronos Egg which he discovered on his journey through the Jurassic period. According to his account, the egg slowed time for anything in its immediate vicinity on an exponential level as he approached. After approximately two years of traveling the 20 meters necessary to reach the egg, he was immediately transported back to the present.

Veneer Origin Location Temperature Energy Level Weight Sound Byproduct Element
Gold Outside the Present 25° C Constant 2.5g Tick Sand Unidentified