
From Metropolis World Lore
Revision as of 21:11, 20 November 2022 by Curator (talk | contribs) (Created page with "From the moment they’re born, Technokrats are taught to plug into the virtual world. With an almost religious devotion to coding practices, they prefer digital life which gives them power in ways the physical world can’t. Many even take on expeditions as adventuring archeologists who hunt down hidden hardware from the days of early tech to expand their digital repertoire. Oftentimes, you will find Technokrats adorning their apparel, or even surgically implanting into...")

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From the moment they’re born, Technokrats are taught to plug into the virtual world. With an almost religious devotion to coding practices, they prefer digital life which gives them power in ways the physical world can’t. Many even take on expeditions as adventuring archeologists who hunt down hidden hardware from the days of early tech to expand their digital repertoire. Oftentimes, you will find Technokrats adorning their apparel, or even surgically implanting into their body, their most prized treasure tech.