The Plant Shop 'Special Offer'

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Lovable, and frugal botanist Clara Linnaeus has a lifetime special offer for every Citizen and Nomad within Celeste! Her carnivorous physi-digital plant life takes care of the annoying avian insects we sometimes see in Celeste due to the micro climate we endure throughout our seasons. We'll never forget the Great PixeLocust Plague a few years ago that ravaged our digi-crops and their stinky gas emissions left that awful smog cloud around High Flyer for weeks. If only Cara had been able to design these bugtraps before they descended on us!

Rumor has it that during development phase, one of the prototype plants devoured one of Cara's Ethereals without her knowing, the testing continued and their taste four the beloved hatchlings was developed from that point on. So heed the warning at the foot of the flyer, and for goodness sake make sure to keep them down to size with regular pruning or we'll have a whole other issue on our hands!