Molten Egg

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Molten Egg


Volcano fields are some of the most dangerous natural environments in the Wilderness today which few living creatures are capable of surviving for long. However, a few eccentric Laureates from the City of Fire call these fields home to study their long-term, explosive potential. One day, while bored, Dr. Harriet Dalton began throwing explosives into a volcano’s mouth to “study” how the lava reacted. From the caldera’s edge she spotted a dark object covered in scales which was floating in the middle of the lava pool. Unsure of how to get to it, she induced an artificial eruption which killed three members of her team that were studying nearby volcanoes. Then, after the lava rock settled, she recovered the first Molten Egg from the rubble.

Veneer Origin Location Temperature Energy Level Weight Sound Byproduct Element
Keratine Inside a Volcano 1250° C Low 125g Crackling Sulfur Fire