Fashion & Boutique
Revision as of 16:06, 23 November 2022 by Notdeadjeff (talk | contribs)
These properties are shops that sell accessories for yourself, your home, or your everyday life. Identity is often linked to the way you look, dress, and live, so Celeste offers a wide range of brands and artisanal wares to express yourself in whatever way feels most truthful to you.
Citizen Affiliation
This is how most Conjurers make a living. By selling their creations as commodities, the city depends on its Conjurers to provide their passion to clothe, entertain, and express themselves whenever they can.
Find your favorite stylings at:
- the Tailor Shop
- Manga Mania
- Torro’s Tarot Teapots
- Windy Corner Cafe
- Wind Chimer
- Flair Art Materials
- His-Toy-Ry