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== What are Mayhems? ==
== Who are Mayhems? ==
The most mysterious and often misunderstood group of citizens are The Mayhems. While many view them as fickle and disruptive, the Mayhems prize their connection to the present moment above all else. They are often a jack-of-all-trades and if they find themselves bored or unsatisfied with their current position, they will quickly move on to another endeavor. However, if The Mayhems can find themselves in a place that allows them to learn and utilize new skills often, they will thrive. Some of the most well-known Mayhems throughout history have been the city's brightest prodigies. These visionaries developed new artistic styles, invented never-before-seen contraptions, and made breakthroughs in scientific fields that had been at a standstill for centuries by combining techniques and knowledge from their vast skill set.
The most mysterious and often misunderstood group of citizens are The Mayhems. While many view them as fickle and disruptive, the Mayhems prize their connection to the present moment above all else. They are often a jack-of-all-trades and if they find themselves bored or unsatisfied with their current position, they will quickly move on to another endeavor. However, if The Mayhems can find themselves in a place that allows them to learn and utilize new skills often, they will thrive. Some of the most well-known Mayhems throughout history have been the city's brightest prodigies. These visionaries developed new artistic styles, invented never-before-seen contraptions, and made breakthroughs in scientific fields that had been at a standstill for centuries by combining techniques and knowledge from their vast skill set.

Revision as of 02:21, 22 November 2022


Who are Mayhems?

The most mysterious and often misunderstood group of citizens are The Mayhems. While many view them as fickle and disruptive, the Mayhems prize their connection to the present moment above all else. They are often a jack-of-all-trades and if they find themselves bored or unsatisfied with their current position, they will quickly move on to another endeavor. However, if The Mayhems can find themselves in a place that allows them to learn and utilize new skills often, they will thrive. Some of the most well-known Mayhems throughout history have been the city's brightest prodigies. These visionaries developed new artistic styles, invented never-before-seen contraptions, and made breakthroughs in scientific fields that had been at a standstill for centuries by combining techniques and knowledge from their vast skill set.


  • New is always better
  • Time is irrelevant
  • Change hairstyles and fashions daily
  • Have some of the highest highs and lowest lows



Pick pockets











Handy person